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Hi, my name is Rachel Mañana and I am a Latina American born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. I am a senior Visual Arts Major at the Boston Arts Academy, Boston's only public high school for the arts. During my tenure at BAA, I focused on illustration, and more specifically, comic-making. I plan to start college in the fall to continue to study animation and illustration. It is my goal to make a living off of my art one day.
I took on the BNCLT project to challenge myself as an artist and a professional, and to expand my animation and illustration skills.This project challenged me in ways I never could have anticipated. In addition to learning what it means to be a professional freelancer working with a client, I learned new animation techniques and programs. Most importantly however, I learned that with hard work and perseverance I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
I want to thank BNCLT for this opportunity. It was life changing for me. I am more confident in both my artistic skills and ability to work in a professional environment. Thank you for your support and encouragement while I worked on this project with you. It is an experience I will not soon forget. Thank you again.